The ball poem class 10 question answer, prepared by expert teachers of kjv.
The Ball Poem
MCQ for “The Ball Poem”
Q:What happens to the boy in “The Ball Poem”?
a) He loses his friend
b) He loses his ball
c) He finds a treasure
d) He gets a new toy
Answer: b) He loses his ball
Q:What does the ball symbolize in the poem?
a) Childhood memories
b) Wealth
c) Power
d) Friendship
Answer: a) Childhood memories
Q:What lesson does the boy learn in “The Ball Poem”?
a) The importance of sharing
b) The value of money
c) The inevitability of loss
d) The power of friendship
Answer: c) The inevitability of loss
Q:How does the boy react when he loses the ball?
a) He smiles and moves on
b) He is indifferent
c) He is very upset
d) He immediately buys a new one
Answer: c) He is very upset
Q:What does the poet say about buying another ball for the boy?
a) It will make him happy
b) It will not help him understand loss
c) It is a waste of money
d) It will teach him a lesson
Answer: b) It will not help him understand loss
Q:Where does the ball go when the boy loses it?
a) Into a river
b) Over a fence
c) Into the sea
d) Under a car
Answer: c) Into the sea
Q:What is the main theme of “The Ball Poem”?
a) Joy and happiness
b) Wealth and prosperity
c) Loss and learning to cope
d) Friendship and trust
Answer: c) Loss and learning to cope
Q:What does the boy realize about life through the loss of his ball?
a) That life is easy
b) That loss is a part of life
c) That he can always get what he wants
d) That material things are most important
Answer: b) That loss is a part of life
Q:What does the phrase “balls will be lost always, little boy” signify in the poem?
a) It signifies the endless fun with balls
b) It indicates that losing things is inevitable
c) It means balls are not important
d) It shows that the boy will always lose his balls
Answer: b) It indicates that losing things is inevitable
Q:What is the poet’s attitude towards the boy’s loss of the ball?
a) Indifferent
b) Sympathetic and reflective
c) Critical
d) Humorous
Answer: b) Sympathetic and reflective

The ball poem class 10 question answer
Question 5.What does the poet say the boy is learning from the loss of the ball? Try to explain this in your own words.
Answer: The poet says the boy is learning to cope with loss and growing up. He realizes that losing things is part of life and learns to accept and move on from such losses.
One-Mark Questions for “The Ball Poem”
Question: Who is the poet of “The Ball Poem”?
Answer: John Berryman.
Question: What does the boy lose in the poem?
Answer: The boy loses his ball.
Question: Where does the ball go after the boy loses it?
Answer: Into the water.
Question: How does the boy feel after losing the ball?
Answer: He feels upset and distressed.
Question: What does the ball symbolize in the poem?
Answer: The ball symbolizes the boy’s childhood and his sense of loss.
Question: What lesson does the boy learn from losing the ball?
Answer: He learns about the inevitability of loss in life.
Question: What does the poet suggest about buying another ball for the boy?
Answer: The poet suggests that buying another ball will not help the boy understand the deeper meaning of loss.
Question: What is the main theme of “The Ball Poem”?
Answer: The main theme is the experience of loss and the process of learning to cope with it.
Question: How does the poet describe the boy’s reaction to the loss of the ball?
Answer: The poet describes the boy as being deeply affected and staring at the place where his ball has gone.
Question: What does the poet imply about material possessions through the poem?
Answer: The poet implies that material possessions are transient and their loss teaches important life lessons.
Thinking About the Poem
(Page 47)
In pairs, attempt the following questions
Question 1. Why does the poet say, “I would not intrude on him”? Why doesn’t he offer him money to buy another ball?
Answer: The poet says, “I would not intrude on him” to let the boy learn about loss and responsibility on his own. He doesn’t offer money for another ball because he wants the boy to understand the value of responsibility rather than simply replacing the ball.
Question 2. “ …. staring down All his young days into the harbor where His ball went…. ” Do you think the boy has had the ball for a long time? Is it linked to the memories of days when he played with it?
Ans: Yes, the boy has had the ball for a long time. Its loss brings back memories of his childhood days, making him realize that those moments, like the ball, are gone and cannot be replaced.
Question 3. What does “in the world of possessions” mean?
Answer: “In the world of possessions” refers to the materialistic nature of life, where everything is about owning things. The poet uses the lost ball to help the boy understand the feeling of losing something valuable in this material world.
Question 4. Do you think the boy has lost anything earlier? Pick out the Words that suggest the answer.
Answer: No, it seems that the boy had not lost anything earlier. The words that suggest so are ‘He senses first responsibility in a world of possessions’.
The ball poem class 10 English question answers are prepared by best teachers with lots of experience