Memories of a Chota Sahib Question Answers

Memories of Chota Sahib Questions Answers | ch 3 English kjv

Memories of Chota Sahib Question Answers Class 12 English

Memories of Chota Sahib

Very short answer type questions

Q.1. Who was John Rowntree? Or, What position did John Rowntree hold before leaving Shillong a few days after independence?

Ans : John Rowntree was the last British senior conservation of forest of Assam till the date of independence of India.

Q.2. How did John Rowntree find the weather when he arrived at Guwahati ?

Ans : On arriving at Guwahati John Rowntree found the weather cool and pleasant.

Q.3. Where did Rowntree go a few days after independence of India and what did he do there for his livelihood ?

Ans: A few days after India gained independence, John Rowntree went back to England and worked as a journalist and media commentator to support himself.

Q.4. Where from is the lesson ‘memories of a chota sahib’ extracted ?

Ans : The lesson ‘memories of a chota sahib’ is extracted from John Rowntree’s famous book’ A Chota Sahib: memories of a Forest Officer’.

Q.5. Where was the first home of John Rowntree in Assam? Or, Where did John Rowntree and his family make their first home at Guwahati?

Ans : John Rowntree ‘s first home in Assam was in Guwahati, on the bank of the river Brahmaputra.

Q.6. What do you guess the name to be of the dome of a Hindu Temple as mentioned in the lesson ?

Ans: The dome of the Hindu Temple is located on an island in the middle of the Brahmaputra River. Based on this, we can guess it is the Umananda Temple.

Q.7. Which place is called the gate-way into the North-East region?

Ans : Guwahati is called the gate-way into North – East region.

Q.8. Find out a few words from the lesson ‘Memories of a Chota Sahib’ that are borrowed from Assamese. Give three of the words in English.

Ans: In the lesson “Memories of a Chota Sahib,” some words borrowed from Assamese are:

Mar: This is a type of boat made from bamboo or wooden planks, used for crossing rivers by paddling or by being pulled across with a cable.

Bheel: This refers to a large, natural pond filled with fish.

Cheetal: This is a kind of flat fish that is expensive and popular among Assamese people.

Memories of Chota Sahib Questions Answers

1. Where is the plot of ‘memories of a chota sahib’ based on ?

Ans: The plot of “Memories of a Chota Sahib” is set in Guwahati and the surrounding areas around the time of India’s independence. It offers a light-hearted view of that period from the perspective of a British forest officer, making it both local and relevant to the present.

2. What was the belief of the people regarding a channel in the river Brahmaputra ?

Ans: People believed that as the Brahmaputra River shrank in winter and the gap between Peacock Island and the mainland got smaller, if the channel between them ever dried up completely, it would signal the end of British rule in India.

3. What did a European couple do for their private profit ?

Ans: A European couple rented land from the forest department to grow simul trees for a nearby match factory to make money. They set up miles of electric fencing to keep the deer out, but the deer jumped over it, so their business wasn’t very successful.

4. What happened to the author when once he forded a flooded river on horse-back ?

Ans: Once, when the author crossed a flooded river on horseback, he had a tough time. He slipped off the saddle and held onto the horse’s tail, using it like a rudder. When he tried to steer the horse right, it went left, and vice versa. Despite the difficulties, they eventually made it safely to the other side of the river.

5. What is a Mar? How are these made and used for crossing a river ? Or, what is a marboat and is it operated ?

Ans: A Mar is a type of boat made from long bamboo or wood planks tied tightly together so they don’t float apart. It can be used in two ways: either paddled across the river or connected to a cable stretched across the river, with the boat being moved from one side to the other by the current.

6. Why was a journey on the North Bank hazardous ?

Ans: Traveling on the North Bank was risky because the roads were narrow, dusty, and built on embankments to avoid floods. The dust made the roads slippery and hard to see, and hidden roadwork added to the danger, making driving uncertain and difficult.

7. In what sense the South Bank of Assam was more homely to the author ?

Ans: The South Bank of Assam felt more homely to the author because it had low hills, valleys, scattered villages, and fields, and the forest resembled English woodlands. The reserve forests were smaller and more manageable, and there were two comfortable bungalows for the author to stay in.

8. Who is the ‘ Chota Sahib’ in the ‘Memories of a Chota Sahib’ ?

Ans : John Rowntree himself is the ‘Chota Sahib’ in the Memories of a Chota Sahib.

9. What does Rowntree say about Rajapara ?

Ans: Rowntree found Rajapara to be a pleasant place to work. Despite being remote, it had cheerful, sunny open spaces, and jungle fowl often visited the paddy fields, occasionally ending up in his pot.

10. What does Rowntree say about the river banks in the manas Sanctuary ?

Ans : Rowntree says that the banks of river manas were full of dense forest and wild animals including rhinos and many birds.

11. Give an account of the bungalow in which the author used to stay.

Ans: After arriving in Guwahati, John Rowntree and his family lived in a bungalow on the bank of the Brahmaputra. The bungalow had fresh lime-washed walls and woodwork painted with earth oil. It featured a raised portico in front, which served as a carport. From the bungalow, they could see Peacock Island and a Hindu temple dome on it.

12. Give a brief description of peacock island ?

Ans: Peacock Island is in the middle of the Brahmaputra River. It has a Hindu temple visible through the trees and is home to monkeys. In winter, the river shrinks, leaving only a narrow channel between the island and the mainland.

13. What happened with the river brahmaputra during cold weather ?

Ans: In cold weather, the Brahmaputra River shrank, making the gap between Peacock Island and the mainland smaller. By the end of the hot weather, only a narrow channel remained between the island and the mainland.

14. Describe, in your own words the north bank of the brahmaputra.

Ans: The north bank of the Brahmaputra was a vast, remote, flat area between the river’s sandbanks and the Himalayan foothills. In the cold weather, it was pleasant, but during the rainy season, it became a malaria hotspot. Traveling was difficult, with tracks becoming unusable for regular cars, and travelers faced many risks.

15. What happened to the author when he touched with his family on the north bank of the river ?

Ans: When the author traveled with his family on the north bank, they started their return journey late. Although the roads were still drivable, they were very slippery. The vehicle skidded off the road and ended up in a paddy field six feet below. They eventually managed to get back onto the road, but the trip was very bumpy.

16. “It was a strange place, where the rivers dried up in the hot weather or suddenly disappeared in the ground.” In what context does the author say so ? Discuss.

Ans: The author describes the South Bank of the Brahmaputra as a strange place where rivers dried up in the hot weather or suddenly disappeared underground. This was part of his description of the unique features of the North and South Banks.

17. How did the author describe the South Bank ?

Ans: The author found the South Bank more homely because it had a large, single block of reserve forests, low hills, and valleys. The area had scattered villages and fields, and the forests with sal trees resembled British woodlands.

19. What does Rowntree state about the large ‘Bheel’ close to the bungalow at Rajapara ?

Ans: Rowntree explains that the large ‘Bheel’ near the bungalow at Rajapara was created by an earthquake that lowered the land, causing it to fill with water. Tree skeletons sticking out of the water show that it used to be dry land. 

class 12 english question answer
Enamul Hoque Kamal Assam
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