A Letter to God mcq Online Test, class 10 English ch 1 mcq, online test class 10 english ch 1 mcq, class 10 english ch 1 mcq test, class 10 English ch 1 mcq questions, a letter to god mcq, a letter to god mcq online test, kjv a letter to god mcq test, Online test
A letter to God MCQ Test
#1. Why was Lencho not surprised on seeing the money in the envelope?
#2. Who read the letter sent by Lencho?
#3. What did the postmaster do then?
#4. Who is the author of the lesson ‘A Letter to God’?
#5. Which crop was growing on Lencho’s fields?
#6. What was the only hope left in the hearts of Lencho’s family?
#7. Where did Lencho expect the downpour to come from?
#8. How much money was the postmaster able to arrange?
#9. What did Lencho hope for?
#10. Why did Lencho need money?
#11. Why was Lencho satisfied?
#12. The field looked as if it were covered in _______.
#13. What is the irony in this lesson?
#14. How much money did Lencho ask for?
#15. Why did the postmaster decide to reply to Lencho’s letter?
#16. The postmaster was a fat, amiable man. What is the meaning of amiable?
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