Class 9 English Chapter 9 The Bond of Love Question Answer
Class 9 English Chapter 9 The Bond of Love Question Answer
II. Answer the following questions: “I got him for her by accident”
(i) Who says this?
Ans. These words are spoken by the narrator, ( Kenneth Anderson).
(ii) Who do ‘him’ and ‘her’ refer to?
Ans. ‘Him’ refers to Bruno, the sloth bear. ‘Her’ refers to the narrator’s wife.
(iii) What is the incident referred to here?
Ans. The incident referred to the sloth bear which the narrator got him in a sugarcane field near Mysore.
2. “He stood on his head in delight.”
(i) Who does ‘he’ refer to?
Ans. ‘He’ refers to Bruno or Baba.
(ii) Why was he delighted?
Ans. He was delighted because he was getting petted by the narrator’s wife.
3. “We all miss him greatly; but in a sense we were relieved.”
(i) Who does ‘we all’ stand for?
Ans. “We all” stands for the narrator’s family.
(ii) Who did they miss?
Ans. They missed poor Burno or Baba.
(iii) Why did they nevertheless feel relieved?
Ans. They nevertheless felt relieved because Baba was going to the zoo at mysore. He was too big to be kept at home.
III. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each.
Q.1. On two occasions Bruno ate/drank something that should not be eaten/drunk. What happened to him on these occasions?
Ans. On one occasion Bruno drank Barium carbonate which was kept to kill mice and termites. He was paralyzed and treated by the vet.
On the other occasions he drank old engine oil but had no ill effect on him.
Q.2. Was Bruno a loving and playful pet? Why, then, did he have to be sent away.
Ans. Yes, Bruno was a loving and playful pet, but as he grew bigger and mischievous, he had to be chained for safety. To give him more freedom, he was sent to the zoo.
Q.3. How was the problem of what to do with Bruno finally solved?
Ans. The family missed Bruno, especially the narrator’s wife. When they visited him at the zoo, Bruno was overjoyed. After speaking to the zoo staff, Bruno was returned home.
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